Bride & Groom
1st Impressions & the Profile Pics That Got "THAT" Swipe.

Arthur Acuario
“First thing I noticed were her bright blue, summer-sky eyes.
You can learn a lot about a person without saying a word. Eyes are revealing windows to the soul. Corny sounding, I know!
But, its true…
Leah’s eyes drew me in, and years later, I’m still completely lost in them.”

Leah Schlegel
“Depth. It was the only word I had to describe this person.
The conversation was honest and interesting, with a zest of anything is possible. I knew he had heart by the way he remembered details and was thoughtful with each word.
But really, it was the smile that sealed the deal… that unabashed moment when his whole face lit up.”
How Our Story Began...
We Took A Stroll
Two swipes on a dating app led to two cups of warm coffee and a stroll around the park.
A couple hours later, their cups were long empty, and morning was turning into afternoon.
Before the date ended, Arthur told Leah that he had never held a baby before.. “they are like tiny, wrinkly aliens that wriggle unpredictably… and are dense, like bowling balls.” Leah couldn’t understand how that was possible and issued him a challenge, “Just go up to someone and ask if you can hold their baby…”
Later that same day, he found one. Challenge accepted. At a house party that afternoon he sent her this “candid” photo.
Oh, what guys will do to impress a cute girl.

We Took A Ride
Arthur walked up to a slice of homemade pumpkin pie and Leah’s bike locked to the back railing.
He secured the bike to his car and pinched a bit of pie and tasted it. With an approving head nod, he thought, it’s pretty dang good… Leah must know how to cook.
The next day Arthur returned the bike with a “tune-up”. Leah took it for a quick spin around the block. The gears shifted smoothly and she thought, it feels pretty dang good… Arthur must know how to fix bikes.
Little did they know then, Arthur didn’t know a damn thing about fixing bikes and had taken it to a mechanic, and Leah burns just about everything she touches…

She Took A Knee
“I’m gonna shower before we head out to dinner”
“Okay darling, I’ll be waiting,” Leah replied.
She held her breath and waited for the bathroom door to shut. Instantly, rushing to the bedroom with a racing heart, she grabbed the tiny box from the back of the closet.
Arthur walked into the kitchen and saw a sticky note on the kitchen table, then another, and another. There was a trail of little purple squares curving into the living room. He followed them with a curious smile.
He turned the corner and his jaw dropped. There she was. Bent on a knee, silhouetted with candle light. Ring box extended in her hand.
“Arthur Acuario, will you marry me?”

Wedding Day Details
Where & When?
Saturday, October 21, 2023
4:30 PM – 11:00 PM
The Metropolist
2931 1st Ave S Suite A, Seattle, WA 98134
United States
What To Wear.
Dress is semi-formal.
Put on that ensemble that makes you feel like a million bucks!
We want you to celebrate in what makes you feel most like you.
Celebration Timeline.
Welcome Cocktail
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Commitment Ceremony
5:00 PM – 5:30pm
Cocktail Hour
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
BBQ Dinner & Toasts
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Crank The Music Up!
Dance Floor Heats Up…
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
9:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Water break.
10:00 PM
Enjoy yourself some more!
10:00 PM – 11:00PM
Hey There, You Coming?
Please fill-in the RSVP below!
* We love your kiddos, but kindly request this to be an adult only event.

Our Honeymoon Fund
We are already so grateful to be surrounded by people we love on such a special day, but if you would like to offer a wedding gift, we are requesting a honeymoon fund instead!
We’ve opted out of a traditional registry because we’ve got more than enough stuff.
What we’ve never experienced together is an international adventure, and for our honeymoon, we are changing that with a three-week escapade to Mexico.
So, we kindly ask our guests to, instead, chip-in any amount towards our trip.
It’ll go towards travel, tacos, and tequila…
Maybe even contribute to our next big chapter in life….
Because… tequila.
Our Snapshots
Real love is always beautiful, but let’s face it, it’s not always picture perfect!
Sometimes it’s movie star glamorous – just look at those gorgeous engagement photos! And sometimes the photo is crooked with a partial finger in the frame.
Here’s us, in all our raw-human-love-glory.
Sincerely Us...